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Aug 14, 20246 min read
Healing Resentment: Overcoming Trauma from the Medical System
Discover the journey of healing trauma from the medical system. Learn how to overcome resentment and reclaim emotional well-being.

Nov 20, 20237 min read
Chakra Health
There are so many different ways to look at how your health issues and ailments can be related to alternative healing methods and the...

Nov 22, 20224 min read
What is shadow healing?
It takes some vulnerability to be able to face your shadow side but I promise you it is worth it. Here is how you can begin.

Nov 20, 20225 min read
Finding Forgiveness
Holding onto negative emotions will literally eat away at you. Finding forgiveness is an amazing way to heal body, mind, and spirit.

Jun 2, 20225 min read
Disease Begins in the Mind
When you are ill or in pain, it is very easy to get hyperfocused on the physical health issue and symptoms and forget about the other aspect

Feb 17, 202210 min read
How Suppressed Emotions Turn into Illness and Disease
At one point in my healing journey from Guillain Barre Syndrome, Babesia, Lyme, Mycotoxin Poisoning, Heavy Metal Poisoning, and POTS, my...

Jul 7, 20217 min read
The Surprising Tool That Kickstarted My Healing Journey
In September 2019, I was in the midst of a five-year health crisis and struggling to simply survive each day. I felt like my body was...
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