In mid-October I went to the doctor for some problems I have been having with ovarian cysts and he put me on some hormones and scheduled an ultrasound two months later to see what kind of progress we have made. Unfortunately, I have had a migraine every single day from the moment I wake until I go to bed. I am on day 53 of migraine hell but my ultrasound is on Wednesday and I don't think I have ever been so excited for a doctor's appointment! I think I am at the point where I should really buy stock in Excedrin as it is a continual lifesaver.
The day after I started the hormones I had an epiphany and figured out my true purpose in life. Now I am slightly afraid when I get off these hormones I will regain my sanity and realize I don't want to go back to a nomadic gypsy lifestyle. But I am so excited that I am 99% sure that won't happen. I reached my epiphany sitting on the couch and reflecting on all of my travels and jobs around the world. I started thinking about the opportunities I have had and the fact that there were no locals that could fill the job positions. I was making so much more money than the locals. For example, in Nicaragua, the minimum wage is about $0.80/hour. Most people make an average of $185/month working 48 hour weeks. I was working about 15 hours a week and making over $1,000 a month with my lodging and meals provided for me. Essentially I was making at least 5 times as much as them in a third of the time with most of my expenses covered by the company. The main reason the locals can't fill these jobs is because there are no training opportunities available for them. That's when it hit me - I can train them. I can help them break free from poverty. I can help make a difference.
When I was living at the yoga ashram my mom said something that stuck with me. She said I have so many certifications that my purpose is to help people with them. At that time I was a chef in the kitchen and not using any of my certifications! Now. any time I am not putting my certifications to use to help others, I feel a bit guilty. At this point I have 45 certifications and 15 years of experience in the fitness and wellness industry. I have worked in so many different job positions from the NBA to nursing homes that I feel well equipped to handle this new endeavor.
I have almost been in Boston for two years trying to plant roots but only three months after moving here I got sick with Guillain Barre Syndrome. Healing from that has been a series of twists and turns that have evolved into pulling up my roots here. I am hoping I will always have roots in Boston, they are just a bit different than I imagined. I just launched my first fundraiser for Blessed are the Flexible. It is a t-shirt campaign that will only run for 21 days so I am a bit terrified that it will be a flop - my own insecurities eating away my mind - but I am super excited to start spreading the word and funding this cause. I will be leaving for my first mission in Nicaragua in March and with the holiday season here I feel like life is moving way too fast. Thanks for taking the time to read this! I hope this holiday season you take time to slow down and breathe, enjoy the people you are with. and treasure every moment. I know I will! Oh - and I hope you buy a t-shirt for everyone you know! :)