Mountain climbers are a complex exercise. You are in plank position so your arms and shoulders are holding you up while your core and legs are also engaged. Your cardiovascular system is working as you are alternating pulling your knees in towards your chest. The entire body is working hard which is why it is very challenging to do for the full eight rounds that tabata training entails. This is why I have most of my clients alternate just holding plank position with mountain climbers…and even this can be challenging!
While holding plank position remember to flex your feet and push through your heels while lifting the belly button up towards your spine to engage the abdominals and avoid lower back pain.
No matter what your schedule today entails I am sure you can fit four minutes into your day for this four minutes of tabata training!
20 second forearm plank
10 second rest
20 second mountain climber
10 second rest
20 second forearm plank
10 second rest
20 second mountain climber
10 second rest
20 second forearm plank
10 second rest
20 second mountain climber
10 second rest
20 second forearm plank
10 second rest
20 second mountain climber
If you need to know what a mountain climber looks like in action, here is a super quick video!